Self-care is sadly, something that we all too often sweep under the rug, ignore, neglect, and sometimes even judge as a selfish act. But the thing is, self-care is actually a vital piece to truly feeling and being happy.

According to Aristotle (one of the wisest men of all time):
“the most important relationship we can all have, is the one you have with yourself.”
Most of us focus on loving others, caring for others, and supporting those around us while in the background we neglect our own needs and wants and at times even berate and criticize ourselves (when was the last time you said something like, “why did I do that, that was so stupid!!?)
That needs to stop right now.
Did you know that it only takes about 21 days to form a new habit. So, starting today give yourself 21 days of self-love and see where it takes you.
Here are 3 self care strategies to help get you started:
1. Kindness. Be kind to yourself. Just as you express kindness to those around you, you need to offer yourself the same courtesy. Treat yourself to an activity that makes you smile – curl up on the couch with a good book, play with your dog, listen to music, practice yoga, dance, call a friend, pick up your dusty trowel and head out into your garden. Whatever it might be that brings you joy, do it.
2. Give yourself permission to be human. Yes, we all have those moments of weakness or those forehead slapping mistakes that make us kick ourselves. Maybe you finished off that irresistible bag of chips instead of reaching for an apple or maybe you forgot to send off that bill that’s been sitting on your kitchen counter for weeks. There’s no sense in beating yourself up. You’re only human, it’s okay! Accept any shortcomings and FORGIVE yourself, move on, and let it go.
3. Be the best version of yourself. Reflect on how you take care of yourself, how you treat others, and how you find balance in your life. Are you being the best version of YOU? Are you being true to YOU? Make one small change that will allow you to live more authentically. One small change that lets the real you shine.

Listening to your body, mind, and spirit, while becoming more aware of what you need will help you feel happier and more fulfilled over time.
Taking care of you is as important as the care you offer your loved ones and shouldn’t be neglected.
You may even begin to notice a number of notable benefits as you consistently practice self care:
- It improves your physical health
- It improves you emotional wellbeing
- It relieves stress
- It makes you a better caregiver
- It makes you more effective
- It makes you a better listener
- It makes life more enjoyable
Practicing self-care is a selfless thing you can do to improve the quality of your own life while also positively impacting the lives of those around you.
Take 21 days and implement the 3 strategies listed above and see how it effects your life. Find what makes you feel good and add a little bit more of THAT to your life.
As Nike says: Just Do IT!! You’re worth it and you deserve it!

Self care and listening to your own body is healing, it should be number one priority for all of us. “I am worth it and I deserve it” 🙂