Using photography to increase your joy and happiness factor is not only fun and creative, but it has been scientifically proven and has been given the beautifully appropriate name of mindful photography. Mindful photography is basically consciously taking pictures of things that matter to you, looking at life in a unique way, seeing it through your camera’s lens and allowing your life to be revealed in little bits of images.
Research in positive psychology has shown that people can significantly increase their happiness levels by making a conscious behavioral and cognitive effort with specific strategies such as mindful photography. Through these efforts you become more aware and appreciative of your surroundings, the people in your life, animals, and nature. And then through that appreciation, more happiness follows. It’s a beautiful cycle!
So, what is mindful photography exactly? In a nutshell, it’s getting out there with your camera or smartphone and mindfully taking photographs of things that matter to YOU.
For example, you can take pictures of things that bring you happiness, joy, or laughter such as:
- Friends
- Family
- Pets
- Places
- Your favorite book
- Your favorite coffee shop
You could also take pictures of things that confirm your identity, that show WHO you are.
These would be things in your life that reveal your personality, goals, aspirations, and desires.
Many of these things will probably overlap with the things that bring you happiness or joy and that is totally fine. These things may be:
- Sports equipment
- Musical instrument
- Hiking trails
- Nature
- Pets
- Your favorite Clothes
- Places you like to go
- Where you work or want to work
These pictures are little glimpses into your soul, they are the things that make a difference in your life, the things that light you up, and the things you want to bring forth. They are images of things that make you smile and bring you hope.
Pick a day, grab your camera or smartphone, and become aware of the things that show up. Take 5-10 pictures, too many pictures will only overwhelm you, and limiting yourself to 5- 10 will help you narrow down your vision to the things that really matter.
So what’s next after you have taken your pictures? Well, the answer to this question really depends on you.
If you would gain from feedback from your friends and family you can email them your photos or you can post them on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram. Feedback can be exciting and give you a new perspective, or a fresh look at things that you might take for granted. Their thoughts and comments also might spark new ideas, or help you see something new that you hadn’t considered before. It can also be fun to share the things that bring you joy with the people in your life.
If, on the other hand, you are a more private person you could create a “secret” board on Pinterest where you can upload your images for your eyes only. You could also create a folder on your computer and place your images there. You can then revisit your photographs whenever you need a boost in happiness or gratitude, or you need a nudge to move on your goals.
Mindful photography is believed to be effective because it gets you to look at your daily life in a new and exciting way. You will look through your lens with new eyes noticing beauty, things of value, things that have meaning, and things that matter to YOU!
According to Ansel Adams (world-renowned photographer)
“Both the grand and the intimate aspects of nature can be revealed in the expressive photograph. Both can stir enduring affirmations and discoveries, and can surely help the spectator in his search for identification with the vast world of natural beauty and the wonder surrounding him.”
Mindful photography is a beautiful way to express yourself, increase your happiness levels, and look at your daily life with new eyes.
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