Make a decision right here and right now to focus on positive thinking and to re-frame any negative thoughts into positive ones. Ultimately, what you think about creates an energy that matches those vibes which in turn attracts more of the same to you. In other words, what you send out into the vast world comes back to you like a boomerang!

You have the ability to decide where to focus your energy and attention. Many people believe that they don’t have a choice, that their thoughts lead them where they want to go.
But the simple truth is; you do have a choice and you should choose wisely. Your brain is a muscle and the more you focus on the positive the more natural it will become.
What you focus on, is not only reflected back to you, but is drawn to you like a magnet. That’s why it’s so important for positivity to flow from you so that good things will flow back to you.
Your mind works in pictures, so if I were to say “whatever you do, do NOT think about a black cat!”; your mind would instantly create an image of a black cat.
Re-Frame Your Thoughts
When you are thinking about something negative like being mad at someone, your mind creates images of being mad which only keeps that fire burning and emits negativity out into the Universe. Even if you were to try to rephrase it in a way such as “I don’t want to be mad,” mad is still at the root of your thoughts and is the energy you’re putting out into the world.
It would be better to rephrase your thoughts into something like: “I want to be more accepting, understanding, and loving.” Those words create positive images within your mind and then emit positive vibes from you which then in turn draws positivity back to you.

Most of us have a tendency to frame things in a negative way without even realizing it. For instance something as seemingly meaningless as “I don’t want to be late,” puts an image and matching energy of being late. Take one guess as to what this will draw back to you? Yep! Being late.
So instead, try turning it around into something more positive like: “I want to be on time.” Now you are putting the image and energy of being on time out into the Universe drawing punctuality back to you.
Make this one simple change in your life and you will begin to notice negative people and situations falling away from you while more uplifting people and situations will be drawn to you.
Whenever possible, avoid subjecting yourself to negative people and/or circumstances that create adverse thoughts or emotions within you. Make a conscious effort to think positively, re-frame any negative thoughts into positive ones, and expose yourself to more positive people, books, and movies.
Make Positive Thinking a Habit
Making these changes will impact your life in a big way. Just remember that it takes 21 days to form a new habit and that is exactly what you are doing. So don’t beat yourself up when you slip up and notice a negative thought creeping into your mind. Just catch yourself and rephrase it! It’s really that simple!
Before you know it, positivity will be effortlessly flowing from every cell of your body (and that is a very good thing!)
Comment below and let me know your most recent negative thought and how you reframed it into a positive one.
“The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to him positive results.” Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
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