If there was one word that would describe what you wish for in your life what would it be? Abundance, freedom, happiness, success, love, stability? Maybe it’s all of them!
Here’s the thing…you deserve every single one of those wishes and more!
You don’t have to pick just one and you shouldn’t. Life should be fun, loving, safe, and happy!
But, you may be facing some blocks or resistances that are keeping you from reaching those wishes.
Maybe you…
- Don’t know what steps to take to reach your dreams.
- Feel frustrated with where you are now and that things aren’t moving fast enough.
- Don’t actually know what you REALLY want in life.
- Don’t know what you are passionate about or what your purpose might be.
No matter where you are on your life’s journey you can make a giant shift immediately and start creating the life you were meant to live today, right now!
I believe that you deserve happiness, abundance, success, love, peace – in other words, the whole kit and caboodle.
I’m Victoria, founder of Living Your Strength, and I’m here to help you on that magical journey.
You’ve got this! You want to know how I know? Because if I can do it, I KNOW you can too!
We all face incredible challenges, demons, and at times, seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
I know I have. My journey has been filled with unwelcome surprises, mountains to climb, and rivers to navigate without a boat or compass.
My story is probably very different than yours, and your story is more than likely very different than someone you know down the street.
But, we all have our challenges and we all have our obstacles.
And with those words, here’s a little peek into my story:
My “oh my God, what am I going to do?!!” moment began one day out of the blue (at least it was out of the blue for me) when I was unexpectedly and heartbreakingly thrust into single momdom.
My entire world came crashing, tumbling, and crumbling down all around me. All of my hopes, dreams, and beliefs flew out the window in a single breath.
Honestly, I didn’t know which way was up. I felt like I was drowning and gasping for air!
But for my children’s sake I had to rise above my intense fear, sadness, anger, confusion, frustration, and feelings of hopelessness.
Not only was I suddenly a single mom of 3 amazingly strong kids and mom to a menagerie of animals, but we also live off the grid which offers its own unique set of challenges and obstacles.
We live in such a remote location that I homeschool my kids and run an online business which, to be honest, also offer their own share of trials and tribulations (satellite internet can be a real bear!)
But, through all of these hills and valleys my middle name has become RESILIENCE!
And even though life throws the occasional curve ball (okay maybe not occasional….at times it seems like a constant meteor shower) I know I can get through anything and still find happiness in the little things. And I believe that my kids can too. I also believe that you can as well!
I love what I do; having the opportunity to help people just like you live their dreams is beyond exciting. I love being home with my kids every day. I love the flexibility my business offers. And I love the incredible beauty of where we live.
Life will always have hiccups, but it’s meant to feel safe, fun, abundant, fulfilling, and prosperous.
Sometimes all we need is for someone to tell us everything is going to be okay.
I’m here to tell you just that.
Everything is going to be okay! YOU’RE going to be okay!
I’m going to help you create an incredible life! You deserve to revel in happiness! You deserve to go to sleep at night knowing everything is good in your world. And you deserve to wake up in the morning excited to start your day.
Trust in the journey and know that it’s always darkest just before the dawn. You’ve got this!
The purpose of my work, this site, and all that I create is to help you feel inspired, motivated, and armed with tools and strategies that will help you live a more fulfilling, joyful, abundant, and rewarding life.
Living Your Strength is here to help you:
- Get unstuck
- Figure out your passion and purpose
- To figure out what you truly want in life
- To create a magical life filled with abundance, love, peace, and happiness!
Your first step in creating your life of wonder is to download your free “Dream Life Bundle!”
In your free bundle you will find:
* 12 Life Hacks for getting unstuck so you can live a life you LOVE living!
* Find Your Purpose Cheat Sheet including 10 Steps to Finding YOUR Purpose
* 12 Powerful Questions for Uncovering the truth about YOUR Life Purpose!
* Daily Abundance Planner to keep you on track for reaching your dreams!
Take that first step in creating the life of your dreams!
Grab your Dream Life Bundle below and start living an EXTRAORDINARY Life!
I am excited and honored to be a part of your journey and beyond thrilled for the immensely positive things that are going to start miraculously appearing in your life.
Be Strong. Be Empowered. Be You.
All my love,